Carnations have this stigma of being cheap and associated with funerals, but turn of the century dandies wouldn't leave the house without a red or white carnation in the button hole of their jacket. Carnations are also a long lastig flower and won't die nearly as fast as other flowers. They also have very sweet meanings.
The color of carnation flowers conveys a certain meaning in the Victorian language of flowers. In general Carnations denote "a fascination with" or "a love for a woman". For each flower the meaning of carnation color is described below :-
Red Carnation colors say " I admire you" or "My heart aches for you". They indicates love, passion, and respect.
White bears the message of ardent love and a good luck gift to a woman. It signifies innocence, a sweet and lovely person, and pure love.
A pink carnation exclaims "I'll always remember you". Pink echoes thoughts of perfect happiness and thankfulness.
Purple suggests capriciousness.
A Carnation flower in a solid color is symbolic for the affirmative - yes.
A striped Carnation flower implies "No", a Refusal, or "Sorry I can't be with you", "Wish I could be with you".
Yellow exclaims rejection, disdain - "You have disappointed me".
Mauve reveals dreams of fantasy.
{note to self don't striped or yellow for the wedding}
Here are a few pics of centerpieces I like. I especially love the wreaths in white.

Wow...I woulda never thought it...but you're right. They're beautiful! Btw, what are your colors?