This is our fabulous save the date post card!!I love how it turned out. On the suitcase Jeremy is holding it is supposed to say Save the Date 05.30.2009 but the image with the writing wouldn't upload;(. I got the idea from another blog I just happened to stumble upon and just had to attempt to recreate their idea it was so funky and original. www.kcandsara.blogspot.com
It was fun trying to get everyone to agree with me over this. My sister was totally against standing on a ladder in the front yard and Jeremy was completely against laying in the yard with the suitcase. I don't really blame them considering people would slow down as they were driving by and stare at us being complete goobers int the front yard. Oh well, Laura got a candy bar and Jeremy got...well...postcards, but I'm sure that's every man's dream to have custom postcards.
ok can i just say that i am SO jealous that i don't have a wedding blog AND that its the best idea since...well, a baby blog! AND i can already tell you're a pro. Well, my first question was "Who took your pics?" I totally thought they were professional. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE IT. Tell Jeremy and Laura it was totally worth it. Try adding the words in Powerpoint or Paint. Second, LOVE the cookie idea. Couldn't be any cuter. I know that cookie place in West Monroe on Trenton St could do them adorably and also probably charge an arm and a leg. I also bet you could do them yourself - esp. if you enlist the help of your bridesmaids! :) Ok, this is the longest comment EVER. i'm writing my own blog here! should've sent an email...oh well...its bedtime around here! LOVE THE NEW BLOG