February 8, 2009

Ok so I'm getting sucked into the Not Me Monday that MckMama does. So here goes...

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I did not go grocery shopping and make a point as always to buy my oh so favorite healthy food. I did not wander around the store looking for something whole wheat because plain couscous just wouldn't do and get overly excited to find cracked wheat tabouli, then buy more veggies than you could shake a stick at and my beloved chick peas for hummus...only to come home and eat the nasty college food ramen noodles.

I did not run to the bookstore and buy an expensive book to study for the Praxis PLT only to discover that I am not even taking the PLT part for anothr year.

Oh and my wanna be chef slef would never put bell pepper into a hot skillet with out oil and when it started to stick pour olive oil into it to create a pretty little grease fire. No way I knew better than that.

I did not put off bathing the furbabies for two weeks until I couldn't stand to sit next to the big one. I would never be so lazy as to neglect my Ellie.

And I would never ever allow myself to get into an arguement about a quilt being on the gift registry, no it's to ridiclous to ever do.

There is no way I would ever put off studying for the GRE and not even do Stats 439 homework. I'm to good of a student for that, I never procrastinate on important thing.


  1. "I did not put off bathing the furbabies for two weeks until I couldn't stand to sit next to the big one. I would never be so lazy as to neglect my Ellie." Haha I can totally relate to that one! Actually, it's usually my husband who tells me she stinks and REALLY needs a bath. Apparently I have a higher threshold for dog-stink. hehehe :)

  2. omg YAY for you and your not me monday's...they were hilarious! man i wish i were more like you and addicted to health food! i'm addicted to junk food which is TERRRRRIBLE. anyway, how did you get the signature...i love it!

  3. I took the GRE back in August and believe me... I NEVER put off studying for it, never never never... I studied EVERY spare moment I had! Or not! I hated that test with a passion! Good luck when you finally take it!

  4. Oh, I just checked your tweets and it said you got the score you wanted, on the GRE I assume. Awesome!!!
