8 Things I Look Forward To
1. Graduation
2. Last day at Sage
3. the Wedding
4. the food at the reception
5. hanging out with my bm's {rarely see three of them}
6. the honeymoon
7. grad school
8. having a REAL job
8 Things I did Yesterday
1. Worked in the bar at Sage
2. Took my last final ever in undergrad
3. grilled chicken
4. walked the dogs
5. made a protein shake with our new blender{had to break it out the other broke}
6. ate some of my wonderful banana bread
7. took a nap {i rarely do that}
8. worked out...but was to lazy to tan
8 Programs I watch on Tv
1. 18 Kids and Counting
2. Anthony Bourdain No Reservations
3. Jon and Kate Plus *
4. Andrew Zimmern
5. Castle
6. The Simpsons
7. Lost
8. Family Guy
And now for the 8 people:
1.Gabby{Gabby and Lyndons boring lives}
2.Erika{The Falcon's Nest}
3.Nicki{The Glen Gang}
4.Amanda{World of the Wilson's}
5.Shonda{Our Angel}
6.Nikki{The Kennon Family}
7.Mallory{The Whittingtons}
8.Denise{Anna Brooke Davis

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