Day two can be summed up pretty quick. First we drove to Fort Lauderdale and went to the Ramada Plaza Resort to redeem out boarding passes which all seemed like a huge hoax but turn out to ge legit. After that we proceeded to drive to the pier which consisted of a lot of driving in circles trying to figure out what was going on and where should be park. We finally found parking and ended up on the boat to your left. Which was also interesting and led to some interesting times.
After some wandering and dinner with a couple we met from Bulgaria
we went to the 50's dance where Jeremy preceeded to be attacked and forced to dance with an older lady who was beyond drunk{we saw her and her friend when we got on the boat and they were drink and this was at about 11 so she was far gone}. I can't tell if he was having fun or being tortured but someone asked why I hadn't borken in on their dance and rescued my husband, but I didn't see the need in ruining the his fun {haha}. Both Jeremy and the guy from Bulgaria{who I can't remember his name cause I'm horrible with names} agreed that they felt violated and needed baths.
And that right there is the end of day 2, yes I know we are dull...Tuesday and Thursday were much more interesting.

Makes me think that eloping (with Larry) was smart! That way the only ones on the honeymoon are-- you! =)