Happy Thanksgiving!

November 26, 2009

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving! We are sitting around watching the Thanksgiving day parade and cooking. Well, Mom is cooking and Laura and I are helping out. I have to give Jeremy credit too though, he did chop onions. Hope you guys have a great day, there is always something to be thankful for...
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a bit of a problem

November 24, 2009

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This morning when I got up to clean the kitchen...which I should have done last night. I noticed something. Every single night, reguardless whether they sleep in our room or somewhere else, the dogs insist on pushing every pillow off of the couch...except for the middle one with a different pattern. Every day I also refold the same blanket and set it back onto the window seat and every night Ellie...
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November 23, 2009

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One of my all time favorite The Far Side comics. ...
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November 21, 2009

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{hodge podge}

November 20, 2009

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Like Erin @Blue-Eyed Bride I have had a hard time thinking of things to blog about...but yet have had a ton of things going on...but none seems exciting enough to blog about. I liked her hodge podge of a post so much I am going to copy cat;) -After lunch today I started to feel a little sick, it has now turned into a full blown cold. Yay. -The Old Navy commercials that have been on TV lately have...
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November 19, 2009

Two school days left until Thanksgiving break! Whoo hoo! I finally got my Smart Board installed yesterdsay...that thing is WONDERFUL. If anyone knows of any good Smart Board websites let me know....
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November 18, 2009

This picture was taken after I had moved into my second apartment in Janurary 2006, where I lived alone. I can't believe how little my Ellie was. Oh and the toy in her mouth is one of the long dog's from Petco that had just come out, she loved it to death and carried it around everywhere. I so miss her puppy days, she wasn't like crazy Maddie, she was sweet and played and caused little trouble...once...
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Let the countdown begin!

November 17, 2009

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As of midnight tonight it will officially be three school days until Thanksgiving break...and it has been a good 5 years since I have experienced the full week holiday that elementary and secondary school has to offer. Whoop whoop! I seriously need this break, I feel like the life has been sucked out of me. What is really bad is that I now prefer sitting in a meeting all day even though I know tomorrow...
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Di Vinci vs Dicaprio

November 12, 2009

A child actually said this today: What is the difference between Leonardo Dicaprio and Leonardo Di Vinci? I literally sat there and stared at the kid for a bit, then the kid went on to say... Was Leonardo Di Vinci alive when you were born? ...at this point I was about to fall out of my chair. Then...out of nowhere...my little goofball said this: (yelling) You know that weird janitor who looks...
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{seven cake trends}

November 8, 2009

I must admit I love cake. I have actually been looking at a box of cake flour all day wanting to make something. And after finding the 7 Hot Cake Trends on The Knot I am convinced now I must make a cake. According to The Know the seven big trends now are: 1. Butter cream frosted cakes. My mom is probably going to love this one. She hates most fondant cake, but I must admit, I too have had a few...
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Louisiana State Fair

November 7, 2009

Like all skinny girls with a fat girl trying desperately to escape I have compiled a list of vendors I plan to hit up today at the state fair. Beef n' Taters : Sweet potato fries and beef empanadas--Who could pass that up! Dippin Dots: Um duh. I could eat those things till I exploded. Stanley's Gyros: anything Greek is straight up my ally. Barb and Jacks Cook Shack: Boudin--again I could eat this...
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catch up

November 5, 2009

Can you believe tomorrow is Friday? I sure can't! It's bitter sweet though, I also have a grad school assignment due, dang teachers. It has been a long and interesting few days though, and luckily there are only about 11 schools days left until Thanksgiving break{whoo hoo}. This week has been fun, but darn busy. I can't even remember what I did Monday but Tuesday I went to Haven at the BCM with my...
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{sunday lunch-shrimp creole}

November 1, 2009

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Yesterday was great, Mom and I went shopping...and used our new Sam's cards. But on my Mom's way here she saw a guy selling shrimp for about three bucks a pound and decided to buy us some, yum yum. So after my lovely husband cleaned and put the shrimp in freezer bags I decided to find a good recipe for lunch today. This shrimp thing is totally up Jer's ally, he loves sea food, I on the other hand...
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