Do you guys know what time of year it is yet? No, not Christmas. Monday is the beginning of finals week. Trust me, it's obvious, just go to Wal-Mart and check out the amout of college students buying junk food to get them through the stressful week. I decided to kick it off with hot wings from Wing Stop. Yum.
So what happened while you didn't hear from me:
1. Jeremy and I met up with our friend Philip at Coda to watch Meriwether. I was very disapointed they didn't have an early release of their new album that came out last Tuesday.

2. We took a million pics to finally get one decent Christmas picture. Two dogs and a husband who have no desire to take a Christmas picture do not make for easy picture taking. Neither do cloudy days. Or taking photos late in the day because your pregnant photographer didn't want to go to the park so after lots of trying you ask your cousin's girlfriend to take the pic.
3. That mushroom stuffing I talked about before Thanksgiving turned out amazing.
Mushroom-Brioche Sage Dressing:
2 c chopped onion
2c chopped celery
1c chopped sweet red pepper
2 tbsp minced garlic
1tbsp minced sage
1 tbsp minced basil
2lbs assorted mushrooms
1/2 lb butter
1 pint chicken or turkey stock
6c diced brioche (Regina suggest using hot dog buns if you can't find brioche)
-in a large pot melt butter, saute onions, celery and peppers until soft
-add garlic, sage, basil, and mushrooms, saute for a minute
-add stock and simmer ten minutes, remove from heat and add bread.
-put in buttered dish and bake at 350 degrees for 45-55 mins before serving.
It is the absolutely best stuffing ever, I don't even really like stuffing and I could eat this everyday.
You can purchase Regina's amazing cookbook by following the link above to her site.
4. We went to our psychology friend Chris's wedding the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Gwen picked out the coolest cake topper I have ever seen. It was their Wii Mario Cart Characters(at least that is what I think Casey said). It was a great wedding, and the food was so was catered by a local mexican restaurant.
5. It snowed in Monroe yesterday, but not enough to claim it. As far as I could tell it only stuck to the dogs. As much as Jeremy wouldn't want me to post this picture you can see the snow the best in it out of all the ones I attempted to take. The next one I took trying to get the dogs to sit still while Maddie was staring at the sky trying to figure out what was going on. Shortly after that Ellie decided she was sick of the insanity(she refuses to go out when it's cold) and went inside, while at the same time my camera died. Before my camera could recharge the snow stopped and it was dark outside. Great luck right?
6. Thanks to Jeremy and his awesome tree lighting skills, while sadly no thanks to Maddie who continues to take and destroy Christmas ornaments we have finally decorated out tree. Oh and I should also thank our friend /groomsmen Doug who is conviently in town when we have something big to buy and bring home (so far he has brought us a dryer, king size mattress, and a tree). Hopefully this year the dogs don't drink the tree water to the point where I can't keep it filled and the tree dies before Christmas.
7. I made it out to Hobby Lobby today and bought frames so that I could put up out wedding pictures. I got the museum matte idea from Blue-Eyed Bride. Please excuse the middle picture, getting matte for that odd length frame is a work in progress. And notice the broken glass to the left...I tripped and stepped on the frame while I was figuring out how I was hanging them up. If Murphy's Law didn't occur on a regular basis around here I wouldn't know what to do with myself. Oh and please ignore the awful wall paper, we are currently renting.
I think that about sums up the past two weeks. We went to the Christmas parade today with our friends Lara and Cole which led to Jeremy nearly being late for work because we accidently parked in the parade route...which led to him off roading the car until we ran into a cop who was nice enough to let us skip through the parade to escape. In that instance we overcame Murphy's Law.
Oh and the chances of us having kids are very far away. I recived a poem for a 6th month wedding anniversary that at one point basically said thank God we aren't pregnant. This potentially could have been broght on because my sister tortured the poor boy the whole time he was in Vidalia for Thanksgiving by doing weird junk with her pregnant belly(she can do some weird stuff with her belly button these days, plus she is so skinny anyway that she is now all belly and every move the baby makes is very obvious...which leads to her being lop sided most days). I will admit though I got a good laugh out of him practically running from her when she was chased him with her shirt up(yes Laura and I get great joy in picking out someone's weakness and acting on it). I tried to get her to catch him asleep and put her belly in his face and wake him up but she just wouldn't do it, I'm positive he would have had a stroke.
If you have ever met my dad, or any one else in my family for that matter you would understand where Laura and I get our joy in torturing people in this way.