We took Joshua for his first doctor's visit Monday, I think he may be a comfort eater since we got there and he wanted to eat and when Dr. Russ handed him back he wanted to eat again. The little piglet managed to go from 6lbs 2oz when he left the hospital{poor thing lost weight} to 7lbs 4oz in less than a week.
He was strangely calm for Dr. Russ considering how much he hates being naked these days.
Apparently there is a squirrel infestation at our house now. Or a Maddie thinks she is a squirrel and insist on bringing pecans in the house and destroying them on the couch problem.
You may have to click on the picture to see the demolished pecan shell, but it is in fact there...on the same couch that the dogs push pillows off of.
Maddie has also decided she likes computer screen savers. A lot.
Sorry but I forgot to take a picture for this one. I really wanted hot wings this week but didn't feel like the mess that follows eating them so instead I made Spicy Thighs. So feel lucky, our friends always ask what I put in my hot wing sauce but I always leave out an ingredient or two.
Louisiana.Bride Spicy Thighs/Hot Wings Sauce
1 bottle Louisiana Hot Sauce
3 tbs brown sugar
2tbs honey
1-2 cloves garlic
1/2 tsp onion powder
dash of Bacon Salt
1/4 c Worcestershire sauce
4 tbs lemon juice
1tsp dried parsley{because I like how it looks}
I marinate either a large pack of chicken thighs or a bag of the Tyson chicken wings in this sauce for a day or two depending on when I think to get started on it. After they are done soaking up the spicy goodness for day or so I grill them off and take the remaining sauce and boil it to kill any bacteria and baste the wings in it while they cook, anything left over after that I toss the wings in. If you are afraid of the bacteria issue you can always just set some sauce aside to toss them in later.
I always serve this with BBQ Beans, Cucumber Salad and Ranch Dressing.

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