Can you say "long couple of days?" We had company Sunday and after work and class yesterday I am near dead tonight. And yes I skipped my class tonight...I had to have a break before I got sick from overrunning myself this week.(hey I used a vocabulary word for this week, overrun;) haha) During spring break I got the motivation up to start working out again, it's been hard this semester, and decided the only way I would stick to it is to work out at 5am before I took a shower for work. Two days in an I am still doing it. I have heard two weeks makes a habit so hopefully two weeks of 5am P90X yoga will become a habit. I'd do it after work but I have minimal daylight hours between class and sleepy I'm just dang tired. Still can't believe I use to not understand why my Mom was so tired after work(she's a teacher), being a student is way easier than standing and yapping all day. At least it is fun. After the crazy stuff that happened today I can't help but call this entertaining.
You seriously won't believe me but the kids during lunch started complaining because some kid "flipped them off." Turns out it was a Pre-K kid. The way the whole thing played out was priceless.
When I get more time I have two recipe post, one new, and one I've made forever and never posted.
Hope y'all have a great week.