Here is my boring teacher/grad student daily grind:
5:20am wake up and start getting ready to leave
6:25am out the door and headed to work
7:10am finally get to work and clock in, also see what the kids have gotten into.
7:40am Start teaching
3:20pm Leave work
4:00pm Get home, eat something quick and get ready for class.
5:00pm Class, either Research or Physical Education Program Development.
7:45pm Get out of class and go home, unless the professor has mercy on us and I get to leave at 7:20.
8:00pm Catch up on blogs, twitter and TV.
9:00pm Bedtime!
Boring right? And totally lacking free time. This is why I love that we bought the new Beth Moore book on audio so I can listen to it in the car, since I am in there so much. Got to make use of any down time, even if it involves driving.
What's your day like?