Do you know what we love?
Well, Ellie loves three things...okay make that four.
-looking out the front door
-long dog{that Maddie has deconstructed but Ellie still loves by the way}
Have you ever read the book "If You Give a Moose a Muffin"? That is Ellie, but she wants food, naps{in the bed}, and her long dog. If you give her one she will ask for another. As I type this Jeremy opened the cabinet and Ellie went from dead asleep to running in here just to see what she could get.
Fat dog.
Has anyone else had a funky junk week? This week couldn't get more funky junk than it already is for me. What is bad is every morning and afternoon I've been so excited about listening to my Beth Moore book on CD but this afternoon I just needed quiet. I didn't call my husband on the way home or anything, I just need time to think. The easiest way to put this is that it would have been much easier to just leave the elephant in the room. Sometimes elephants are just better left alone. People have told me that the first year is the worst...and I sure hope that.
Why is respect always the key player in all big upheaval?
Guess I am just going to sit here and eat my salsa and hope tomorrow is better. Tomorrow is a new day.
Today's whole incident just worries me. I'm a worrier by nature about everything. Funny though when something like this occurs and leaves me to my usual freak out the same scripture always comes to mind, Matthew 6:25-35. I just love the last two lines and try to say them to myself whenever something like this is going on.
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34
The day Jeremy left for Africa I just happened to open my Bible to this verse. Every time I would get upset or worried about him being there I would just say it to myself. God is in control of today and tomorrow. I don't have to try to control it. I am a huge control freak so this is hard for me, maybe that is why God throws this verse at me every time I turn into my crazy worrying self again. Amazingly those two sentences gave me peace and helped me to trust God that Jeremy would be safe, and if something happened it was God's will.
Today was today. Hopefully the bad things are in the past.