1. This weekend for The 4th of July I'll be going to a wedding, finishing my Case Study, and grilling with Jeremy, his Dad, and maybe his grandmother .
2. Fireworks are not much fun without crazy friend to experience them with. Nothing more fun than nearly blowing yourself up .
3. Nothing says summer like snowcone stands opening up. Yum dreamcicle with extra cream .
4. My favorite summer memory is our giant water balloon fights that lasted months. We would hide in random places to catch the ones off guard and without balloons. I think we supported the majority of Fred's business with out the water balloons and candy we bought as kids .
5. My favorite thing about sumer is sleeping late and homemade ice cream .
6. Summer in a word is humid .
7. If I could choose to have summer or winter year round I'd pick winter, I love summer, but it is so dang hot here. I prefer to freeze to death .