Here's yet another week of WIWW. If you want to link up you can at!
Field Trip Day
rolled up skinny jeans-old navy
burlap Toms
field trip shirt-LSU Ag Center/4H
Scarf Love
the best scarf ever!-old navy
cargo pants-target
white shirt-old navy
Sailor Girl
blue striped scoop neck-old navy
rolled white skinny crop jeans-Kohls
brown bow wedges-gap
Time for a Spray Tan
black lace & ruffle dress-target
black ruffle heals-target
heart necklace-tiffany
gold & onyx ring-my granny's
Today I bought these great shoes from Target on sale:)
On sale for 7.95 at Target. Love them, I honestly thought of Kate Middleton's day after outfit when I saw these. Except her's were black and had a cork heal.
Not the best picture, but I needed something to wear to graduation. I also saw a lot of women wearing taupe heals while watching the royal wedding Friday.

So if you didn't already know taupe shoes were you really do. I saw several guests in taupe pumps...hence I bought some to wear for graduation. Now I almost bought some of the platform ones...but after trying them on I realized how much they suck to walk in and how stripperish they look. So therefore I went with the fore mentioned shoes. Oh and I know you can't see Princess Ann's feet, lets just pretend they are in taupe pumps, okay.
Hey not only are they in style, they make your legs look longer. And the good Lord know my short legs need all the help they can get.