31 days

October 1, 2011

Recently I've seen bloggers linking up to the 31 days of... on different blogs. Of course, I wanted to participate...I need to be a better blogger and blog daily, if not just more often. I can easily post things that are nonsense like what am I wearing and food posts. Bu it isn't often that I actually write in depth, and when I do it is quite often an negative rant. 

But let's face it, negative ranting come easily to me. I am naturally a negative realistic person. I don't see the world as being full of flowers and happy people. I don't skip around on clouds and bake cupcakes late at night for random reasons. I see the world for what it is, a deep dark pile of hateful lunatics. Sadly, too often I am right in the middle being hateful along with them. 

I was once told by a professor of mine that I was the most cynical 18yr old he had ever met. He was right, between the ages of 18-21 I found every reason to pull the negative out of a situation, because the negative was pulling the positive out of me. 

So without further hesitation, as part of the 31 days of blog link up I have decided to post about:

Because honestly, I need to be more positive. If I am off hunting for positive everyday for a whole month I am bound to create some sort of habit and develop a more positive outlook. So here goes today's first post:

By 9:50 this morning I have already found my positive thing-I ran a whole mile without stopping.  

Never in my life have I ran that far without having to walk. Seriously I walk 80% of the runs I go on. So this was a massive accomplishment-coming in good time-considering I am running in the 5K portion of the Jazz Half this month. 

I spent the whole run pushing myself and saying that I could do it. I wasn't running fast, but I sure did make it. Even when I was in the "best shape of my life" and the lowest weight of my adult life I couldn't run farther than from my house to the stop sign barely .2 of a mile from my apartment. I could lift weights and run on a Precor like I was making money doing it, but run on the ground, no 'mam. 

So yay for me! I did it, and 10lbs heavier than I was a 21 and 5lbs from my happy weight. I guess I am in better shape than I thought.