[What is Meal Pinning Monday?]
MPM is how I meal plan for our little family. I once spent a lot of time searching the web and my recipe books hunting for new recipes and ideas for what to cook every week. Then, Pinterest came along and made meal planning much easier for me. Every weekend I look over what I have pinned the prior week and decide what I would like to cook and make my grocery list from these recipes. MPM came about as a way to share what I am cooking, and to also see what others are cooking every week to hopefully get even more dinner ideas from other bloggers.
Here is this weeks meal plan:
Lamb Meat Balls with Snow Pea Sprouts & Sacha Sauce
[I am using beef and snow peas since lamb and sprouts are non existant here]
Buffalo Chicken Enchiladas

Chicken with Tomato-Herb Pan Sauce
[I am serving mine over jalapeno cheese grits]
Spicy Stewed Beef with Creamy Cheese Grits
Pinterest seems to have gone a little wonky tonight, but you can click the source below the picture to get to the recipe. [plus blogger spacing is bizarre right now, hence the crazy look of this post] Hope y'all enjoy these recipe finds this week!