To preface this post I am sitting here eating PW salsa and listening to a 90's station on Pandora. If I could musically relive the late 90's in real time I'd be in heaven. Yes, it was questionable in quality...but the music was awesome.
Please tell me someone else remembers Eagle-Eye Cherry?
Let it be known I want Save Tonight played at my funeral.
For no particular reason, I just like it.
Friday -
Oh Friday. How I could live without them. While it is the end of the week there is something about Friday's that I do not like, maybe it is the utter chaos. However, I nearly fell out laughing when my sister sent me this photo:
And yes, that was the actual newspaper for November 16, 2012. Nice date right? No need to fret over this ridiculous 2012 Mayan Calendar ending...we still have a few years yet!
This little girl right here had a serious attitude Friday afternoon. She followed me everywhere and barked when I wasn't looking at her. I finally sat in the floor and asked Ellie what she wanted and she decided I should be squeaking her toy. Yup, Queen Ellie can't even squeak her own toys. Straight drama.

Spice Girls just came on the radio and I totally lost my train of thought.
While we are on a random train of thought. I don't know if y'all have heard of the website
Binguez, but it has a lot of cool games like online bingo. So check it out, it's really fun.
Anyway. We ended up at Camelot - because guys name random places and things - and basically watched Jeremy and Gerard sleep on the couch for a few hours. Sara and I chatted for who knows how long and when it was far too late we woke Jeremy up and tucked little ole Gerard in and headed out. Saturday morning was hilarious, he was a little freaked that we had escaped without him knowing.
Notice that Jeremy has one eye open. The man has a 6th sense when I have Instagram open on my phone. I can't even take pics of Gerard sleeping without getting caught, I am starting to think he is the most paranoid sleeper ever. Poor thing doesn't enjoy seeing his sleeping self on the inter-webs.
Michael Jackson's Black or White just came on...if it stops making even less sense here just look and pictures and laugh.
Saturday consisted of the men folk playing tennis, Sara and I rollerblading, and realizing we were all wearing matching outfits. Which happened to be totally fitting considering the Twinkie makers closed shop on us.
Sidenote: We knew we were both wearing leggings as pants...but we were unaware that we owned the same skates:)
That night we headed back to Camelot, Gerard was making Taco Ring and we celebrated who knows what we sparkling grape juice. Because we are balling like that. I'd like to point out that we were probably the only people (2 way over age) on our college dominated street drinking sprakling juice out of wine glasses on a Saturday night...or any night for that matter.
Sunday-Can I just state that I was totally flipping out this day. Jeremy had asked me to teach a lesson to the youth one Sunday back in the summer and it just so happened to fall on the day he got to preach in church. Craziness! I literally taught all of John 12 and it was quite the drive by shooting of a lesson. Jeremy did amazing though. He preached regularly long before we met and I had never personally heard him preach. Youth and big church are just two totally different fellows. It was really so cool. I am so thankful that Tim (out pastor) gave Jeremy the chance to do that while they were out of town. I wanted to take a picture...but I didn't want to look like the crazy blogger than I tend to be.
After church our little Gloria St. family went to Olive Garden (we also allowed non Gloria livers to attend...they were encouraged to move to our street though). Funny enough we unknowingly twinkied out a 2nd time for the weekend, and we were photo bombed by a man wearing a shirt that fits me perfect and that I am stealing out of his closet.
Can you tell how excited we were to be at the OG? Yes, we I was excited. I really do love these people. It is great comic relief to be in this crowd. Seriously I don't know why A&E hasn't started filming a Gloris St. reality show. It would be the best show ever. Maybe we should film out own episode.

I always say there are 2 couples in this 4-some, Jeremy and Gerard, and me and Sara. No one can ever accuse us of making someone feel like a 3rd wheel.
Monday- because it was supposed to be part of the weekend #dangisaac
So to cheer myself up yesterday morning, because we had to go to school when other people are on Thanksgiving break, I somehow stumbled upon a Woodstock '99 station on Spotify. Um, 90's heaven! It was the fun upbeat stuff, I went searching again tonight and only got the dark grunge rock Marlyn Manson Beautiful People stuff. The fun was short lived.

This also properly displays my feelings about working 2 days this week.
It ended well. I stumbled upon the Christmas scent section at Wally-World and nearly died of happiness. Let's not tell Jeremy how many I bought...he won't even notice the ever changing smell if we don't. By the way I am thinking of having a "favorite seasonal things" giveaway if my bloggy Facebook page likes goes past 100 by the weekend. So go like it:)
What was your favorite part of the weekend?