Today I'm linking up with Lindsey for their Love and Marriage series, today's your relationship began.
We actually crossed paths during the fall semester of 2007. Right before the semester started we had both broken up with a girlfriend/boyfriend...only difference was that mine went to ULM and we had signed up for classes before breaking up. So the poor boy's first impression of me was of myself and my ex arguing in a psychology class every single day. Jeremy is very quiet, so I actually talked to his friend Doug much more than him. Many of us were finishing up classes and prepping for graduation, so I just assumed Jeremy was in the same boat and after class one day I chased him down in front of Starbucks and told him he should sign up for the Positive Psychology class with the rest of us.
He wasn't a Senior...but signed up anyway.
We didn't exactly talk again, until we were in that horrible Positive Psychology class. What actually spurred him talking to me was that we were scheduled to present on a specific religion on the same day. I despise presentations and begged a friend of his to give me Jeremy's number so I could bribe him into going first. Needless to say in Emily talk that text actually looked more like a threat and read "Go first or I'll kill you."
Apparently threats are Jeremy's love language and the guy text me back that night with some random mess that made no sense. From then on we were set to go on a series of group dates, not actual dates, and the group kept backing out. I really can't remember if he paid for bowling, he probably can, but I do know he paid for our first legit date to Little Rock for an Emery concert.
On our way home he asked me out, which I remember being super awkward. Then again if Jeremy has anything to say he takes forever, and beats around the bush before he gets there. (see also the time my iPod was stolen in Africa and the phone disconnected after he said "Emily something really bad happened.")
A few months later we were engaged, looking back it seems super fast to start dating in March and get engaged in August. After eight months of wedding planning, tons of unnecessary drama, the required marriage counseling, a weenie dog puppy, and nearly killing me while trying to swing dance...we were married.
This is definitely the short version, but I'll go into more depth as the Love and Marriage series link up continues:)