Insta-Video Wednesday

July 10, 2013

What are your favorite moments from this past week?

Did you share them on Instagram, or even video them? If so you'll love this post!

[so see the videos just click the image]

I completely failed to video our fourth of July festivities, but I did capture something the dogs were up to. Not as funny as watching Jeremy and I bounce around while tubing like bobble heads, but it'll do.

Today we were dealing with insurance and signing up for everything with the new school district. Lucky for the pups the Aflac agent gave us a duck that quacks. Needless to say the doggies are in love.

Ellie more than Rudy, ole Rue is just jealous and wants what Ellie has.

Ellie has a habit of sucking on plush toys, when she was little she had an owl she sucked on until the beak fell off. Now she is just sucking on this duck's tail. 

Oh, Ellie. 

What were your favorite IG moments this week? 

You can either share them in a blog post of your own or just link up your Instagram account. 
Be sure to check out and follow the other IG users!

Now it's your turn! 

Enter for a chance to win $50 in store credit from Minted!