Insta-Video Wednesday

August 14, 2013

This week has been sheer craziness! Honestly I've never worked so hard as a teacher in my life, the new circulim is great, but you don't have time to catch your breathe. This weekend, and hopefully a sleep all day one, can't come fast enough.

Yay for hump day! 

With all the insanity I've not been the best video maker... much less photo taker. 

Insta-Video Wednesday

The first video is a combo of my lack of gardening skills, plus my spastic puppy demanding he goes outside. 

Leaving the gym last night it was lightening massively, I pulled in the parking lot to video it... but the best of it was lost:( I still got a little bit though. 

Did you do anything IG video worththy this week? Link up and share it with us. 

Here are the rules ::
-link up a blog post or your IG account
-follow a few new Instagram-ers
-use the hashtag #instavid if you want:)
-like their videos
-have fun!

Now it's your turn!