If you could capture your relationship in three images what would they be?
It actually took me a little while to answer my own question, I dug through the backed up photo log that is this blog, search Facebook, and looked all over my computer. It's hard to describe yourself in images when your husband hides from the camera.

That didn't work so well.
A stubborn man always gets what he wants, and this one just ignored me until I agreed to date him.
The beginning of our relationship was definitely more carefree, fun, and well... college.
There is just something to be said about dating in college, the easy schedules, minimal bills, going on dates all the time, and never once dragging in the work exhaustion. It's much more lighted hearted and fun, you don't think clearly.
Things that would obviously be problems down the road are glazed over in the newly dating dream world.
It's never until much later that you actually begin to have to work on your relationship and dig deeper into why you want to be with someone.