Moving really put a kink in how much we get to see family.
Going 3 1/2 hours south didn't help, then changing jobs and what not at the very end of our graduate school budget this summer pushed us to the limits.
So unnecessary travel just hasn't happened.
Yesterday though, for the first time since July, I got to see this little nut case!
Oh Little Joshy Poo - who sleeps like his mother and is my twin during his waking hours. This little host mess decided Meme's new camera was cool and that she could take pics of him.
There were a few serious faces, but we were going for silly.
I had to leave off the pig nose picture, it was creeping Laura and I out way too much.
I was playing around last night and editing these in PicMonkey and decided to edit out his dark circles. It's super easy to do facial edits and have them look natural by the way; but this child without dark circles does not look like the same person.
He looked oddly enough like the little piggy he was pretending to be.
So we quickly deleted that overly and went on out way.
Rudy, who's been with my parents for over a month (he isn't an apartment dwelling dog at all) proved he loved Jeremy more than me.
In a desperate attempt to touch Jeremy he stood that way for no less than 10 minutes.
It was also past his bedtime (which for some reason has been bumped up to 7pm from 9 hanging out with my old man daddy) so he was struggling to stay awake.
Look closely and you'll see what I mean.
Ellie on the other hand, two nights away from Jeremy and you see how she's acting.
Josh was quickly intrigued by the pictures I was taking of Rudy and wanted to see every single one, so I told him to go get his camera and we'd take pics together.
He took his first pic.
Showed it to me.
I told him "that's awesome."
And the child nearly died of happiness.
Laura and I were rolling on the floor laughing at his smile - seriously ridiculously happy.
Rudy on the other hand, just kept napping.
Which is a perfect subject for a pre-k kid, especially when he starts telling other people to be quiet so the dog doesn't move.
Later on Jeremy snuck into the bedroom to watch TV ad Laura and I were still chatting, we noticed Josh wasn't around and we were tired so we went to see what the guys were doing.
Jeremy was dead asleep and Joshua was patiently waiting on Jeremy to wake up and start another TV show on the computer.
Once we came in Jeremy woke up, but apparently there was a "Jeremy biting incident." Joshua quickly put him in place.
Joshua - "Meme tell Jeremy not to eat me."
Me - "Jeremy don't eat Joshua."
Joshua - "Jeremy when people eat toys they get germs. When people eat little kids they get germs."
Joshua - "Jeremy... you have germs."
Jeremy - "You don't have knee caps."
Preschool seems to be shaping this little rule follower's perspective quite a bit. Everyone receives lessons in what they are doing wrong, there was even a very long informative lesson for Jeremy about boys and girls and the parts that make them different.
Essentially a nearly 4 year old in preschool is the equivilaint of a constantly running PSA commercial.
So for those of you with your fingers in your mouth right now, stop that.
You'll get germs.