I Heart Pinterest Wednesday!

November 19, 2014

Here's a little of my pin-spiration for the week. 

Now if only once of these pinterest staged bloggers would show up and unpack the rest of my house. 
I'm pretty convinced the baby's room will be the only complete room for a few years to come. 

I nearly died when I saw this today. I know I say I nearly die at least once a week, but coming from someone who got teary eyed placing a Scholastic order for my child, and not just the kids in the room I refer to as "my children" whom I often buy books for... everything is a cause for me "nearly dying" here lately. 

I may have posted this one last week, blame the hormones, but I love this idea way more than purchasing an ornament. 

Mental note for ole Emily - then again I really need a "things you shouldn't eat if you want to not torment your baby while breastfeeding."

Is this not the best idea for a chore chart? 

Husband, I would like you to make this for me. Like back in the day when you made all my coffee. I highly regret you ever telling me what you put in my coffee so I could manage it myself. Sincerely, Me. 

Let's get really honest, I think I'm going to be a toy Nazi. I'd rather education things, or outside toys, or books. These are in my line of cute things I wouldn't cringe over. 

I want to do this with my students as Christmas presents for their mothers, and I secretly would like to do it because I think it looks like fun. (for me too kinda fun)

Y'all know how much I love a good natural cleaner. I honestly feel like I have a head cold if I clean with anything other than natural/green cleaners. 

Don't forget to follow Louisiana Bride on Pinterest for more pin obsessing throughou the week!