My Favorite Recipe Pins from 2015

December 31, 2015

I not joking when I say that I use Pinterest to meal plan, and I promise you after years of doing so it has really revolutionized how I cook. (see also - I don't repeat a recipe very often) Some recipes need to be repeated though, and those are the ones I'm sharing with you today. The recipes in this list are Pinterest finds from the blogosphere that I've made countless times and they've been a...
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Influenster Slimfast Voxbox

December 31, 2015

I recently received a Slimfast Advanced Nutrition Voxbox from Influenster to try out their products complimentary, here's what I thought!  First off I received a bottle of vanilla high protein Slimfast, Cinnamon Bun Drizzled Crisps, Sour Cream and Onion baked chips, and Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Meal Replacement Bar. continue reading.....
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Meal Pinning Monday

December 28, 2015

Friday officially begins two months of straight up Whole30, which is technically a Whole60. I haven't decided yet if I'm just going to start reintroduction in February or if I'm holding out until March. We shall see.    [What is Meal Pinning Monday?] MPM is how I meal plan for our little family. I once spent a lot of time searching the web and my recipe books hunting for new...
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Twas the Week Before Whole30?

December 25, 2015

Twas the week before Whole30 and all through the house, all the creatures were stirring, quite possibly even a mouse.  The stockings were hung by the A.C. with care,  in hopes that Saint Nicholas wouldn't melt before he got there.  The children were nestled all snug in their beds,  while visions of peanut butter balls danced in their heads.  And mama in her...
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9 Months Old

December 20, 2015

Since I've almost got a 10 month old it's high time I get this post up!  Weight: 19 lbs 6 oz Length/Height: 27.5Eyes: more hazel, they go between blue to green/brown depending on what he's wearingHair: Brown like Mama's! Jeremy even commented today that it was my hair color, then he asked the baby if he was going to have blonde streaks in the front. (I've got natural...
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The Outtakes

December 15, 2015

The best part of any holiday photo shoot is clearly the outtakes.  I think you'll agree after seeing these.  "Have y'all tried grass? This stuff is amazing!" "No really, the grass is good." That limp wrist can only mean one thing, he was in the middle of signing "all done". No my child can't wave bye or blow kisses like other babies, but he will straight up tell you...
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Meal Pinning Monday

December 13, 2015

It's the week before Christmas break, that's either a good or bad thing depending on how you swing it.  1) We are off work for two whole weeks and I can pretend I'm a stay at home mom who isn't exhausted from pumping and nursing all night and has time for errands and housework on days other than Saturday.  2) Those children are going to be crazy and to quote my teacher friend --- "I looked...
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Christmas Pictures 2015

December 12, 2015

Our Christmas cards have been sent, and I didn't send very many. Mainly just to relatives and a few friends.  However, I thought I'd share our Christmas photos here.  I've been waiting to do a red and white Christmas Tree Farm theme for ages and was insanely happy that Jeremy obliged. I think they are the best we've taken so far.  Let me also add that I take my own photos,...
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Meal Pinning Monday

December 8, 2015

I'm not gonna lie, last night I walked towards the computer and did a total turn around for the bedroom.  There's no shame in my blog game.    [What is Meal Pinning Monday?] MPM is how I meal plan for our little family. I once spent a lot of time searching the web and my recipe books hunting for new recipes and ideas for what to cook every week. Then, Pinterest came along...
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Weekend Wrap Up

December 5, 2015

Can I just say that holiday's with a baby are so much more fun than holiday's just the two of us. Mainly because we can go do all the holiday stuff I normally want to do without any protest from Jeremy!  He doesn't disagree if it's for Harrison.  First stop was salt dough ornaments, I'm not entirely happy with how they've dried, so I'll probably be making some cornstarch/baking soda...
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Lactation Mug Cookie

December 2, 2015

I've got a recipe for you today, and let's not even pretend it's healthy. It works though, and that's what counts. I typically eat one of these two days in a row and my supply is back up where I like it (which is basically 8 ounces at 2:30 AM, that's how I gauge my production.) .......................................... It's Christmas, and I know you've seen a ton of those Chocolate No Bake...
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Meal Pinning Monday

November 30, 2015

After a week off for the holiday I'm back and back in the kitchen.  Here's what's cooking at our house this week!   [What is Meal Pinning Monday?] MPM is how I meal plan for our little family. I once spent a lot of time searching the web and my recipe books hunting for new recipes and ideas for what to cook every week. Then, Pinterest came along and made meal planning much...
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