12 Months Old

March 1, 2016

We survived the first year! 

There are a ton of pics in the post today of the cake smash, so scroll through and enjoy. If anyone wants a tutorial on the photo background and how I edited let me know. It was way easier than it looked! 

He just isn't as messy as the "messy cake baby" so it was mildly disappointing to his father who I think was hoping for "insanely messy cake baby." 

This is cake smash 2, by the way. I'll post cake smash one later on in the week. I attempted a no sugar added Baby Led Weaning recipe and I thought he hated it because of the cake, nope he just dislikes cake. 

Weight: 22.12 lbs

Length/Height: 28 inches

Eyes: more hazel, they go between blue to green/brown depending on what he's wearing

Hair: Brown like Mama's! 

Clothes: 12-18 months

Diapers: size 4

Likes: Meat, peanut butter, blocks, playing with other kids (Joshua is his favorite), and doing anything that gets a laugh

Dislikes: Cake has apparently made the list, he wasn't a fan. 

Eating: Basically everything, he isn't into sweets

Sleeping: all night!!!

Milestones: Cruising really well and standing without holding on when he feels like it. On his birthday he saw fit to start waving, shaking his head no, and randomly decided to give me a baby kiss when I was in bed and not feeling well. 

If I had to describe our twelfth month in one word, it would be: so much more independent, he likes to play alone more and more. Which is great because it means I can cook dinner on nights when Jeremy isn't here way easier. 

Mommy notes: Harrison's hair has totally curled! We had a minor ear ache this month but luckily it wasn't too bad.