Current book: I've got a whole post to write about what I've read since last month, but currently Wired To Eat by Robb Wolf.
Current music: Nothing, more podcasts than music these days.
Current [non]-guilty pleasure: Yoga on Saturday mornings.
Current drink: Coffee with coconut oil & heavy cream.
Current drink: Coffee with coconut oil & heavy cream.
Current food: Chicken Salad or Cream Cheese Pancakes... I've been testing out what Keto would do for me.
Current obsession: Just like the last month, YOD yoga. I told Jeremy I'd even like to get certified to be an instructor eventually. You could also say reading though, I've read a dozen books in the past month.
Current craving: Sleep. I haven't slept worth a crap in two days and I'm an emotional dragging mess.
Current need: Sleep.
Current indulgence: Keto Chocolate Mousse, made with avocados. It's divine.
Current bane of my existence: Whatever is blooming. I know a few of you can sympathize with medicating a toddler. Also, I'd rather die than have a post nasal drip. Like let's be all sick but not this half sick mess. It's annoying, like being touched too much.
Current procrastination: Bathing the dog.
Current confession: I totally thew myself out of Keto today (I was definitely in ketosis) for a Dove Chocolate Bunny and a small thing of ice cream. This is what no sleep does to me, I start self mediacting.
Current quote: Mama forgot to get you a seasonal shirt again. Is that a quote? Could that count? I'm just not that mom. Which might I add needs to been its own blog post.
Current excitement: Spring Break starts right now. I've needed this so bad. I need a break from real life.
Current mood: Dead tired.
Current mood: Dead tired.