Aroma Foundry Essential Oils

May 30, 2017

I was recently sent a few essential oils from a wonderful new company in California called Aroma Foundry to test out and share with y'all. While I wasn't monetarily paid for this review, I did receive the products for free. All opinions are my own and honest as usual! 

After browzing their site and choosing my oils I was insanely excited to try them out, I love supporting American companies. Aroma Foundry did not disappoint at all, like I've said for ages on my website... you can find amazing oils out there at an affordable price that are consistently high quality.

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Meal Pinning Monday

May 28, 2017

First full week of summer.

Not a single work related something on the calendar.

Life couldn't be better.

[What is Meal Pinning Monday?]
MPM is how I meal plan for our little family. I once spent a lot of time searching the web and my recipe books hunting for new recipes and ideas for what to cook every week. Then, Pinterest came along and made meal planning much easier for me. Every weekend I look over what I have pinned the prior week and decide what I would like to cook and make my grocery list from these recipes. MPM came about as a way to share what I am cooking, and to also see what others are cooking every week to hopefully get even more dinner ideas from other bloggers. If you don't pin your recipes feel free to just share what you are cooking.
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Currently: May

May 24, 2017

Current book: M.C. Beaton "Death of a Bore"& the new Andy Cohen book
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Meal Pinning Monday

May 21, 2017

This is finally the last week of school before Summer. I could nearly give an Oscar's acceptance speech to tell you how I feel about the survival that took place my first year in 3rd grade. 

In that, I've also gotten into a lunch rut that's turned this week into a lunch box of two Keto waffles, pepperoni, and 2 cheese sticks. Super well rounded. Insanely lazy. 

That should tell you something... I usually don't mind spending an average of 4+ hours a Sunday prepping food for the week and I've come down to waffles, cheese, and a large stick of pepperoni in my fridge. None of witch you'll find paired together on any fine dining menu. 

Speaking of fine dining... the chef Jeremy and I worked for in college is going to be on this season of The Next Food Network Star. I'm thinking of episode recaps and thoughts? Who'd be interested? 

[What is Meal Pinning Monday?]
MPM is how I meal plan for our little family. I once spent a lot of time searching the web and my recipe books hunting for new recipes and ideas for what to cook every week. Then, Pinterest came along and made meal planning much easier for me. Every weekend I look over what I have pinned the prior week and decide what I would like to cook and make my grocery list from these recipes. MPM came about as a way to share what I am cooking, and to also see what others are cooking every week to hopefully get even more dinner ideas from other bloggers. If you don't pin your recipes feel free to just share what you are cooking.
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May 19, 2017

There are only 3 actual days of work left and I couldn't be happier! Don't get me wrong, I don't hate my job. However the break that is called Summer is highly needed. I personally need to rest, recharge, and get back to a normal state of being. 

I've hit that high-strung time of the year and it's time to wind down. 

1. First up I went to a Mother's Day yoga class that was all heart/chest opening poses and ended with a 30 minute Savasana with Acupuncture.

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Meal Pinning Tuesday?

May 16, 2017

This week people, we'll call it the sugar detox week. Last week was rough. 

[What is Meal Pinning Monday?]
MPM is how I meal plan for our little family. I once spent a lot of time searching the web and my recipe books hunting for new recipes and ideas for what to cook every week. Then, Pinterest came along and made meal planning much easier for me. Every weekend I look over what I have pinned the prior week and decide what I would like to cook and make my grocery list from these recipes. MPM came about as a way to share what I am cooking, and to also see what others are cooking every week to hopefully get even more dinner ideas from other bloggers. If you don't pin your recipes feel free to just share what you are cooking.
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May 12, 2017

It's Friday people, and as if that weren't enough to celebrate it's also the end of Teacher Appreciation Week. My midsection is sick of being appreciated. 

That might sound unappreciative, but I assure you my jeans are far more snug than I prefer. 

Come Saturday "skinny Emily" will shove "chunky Emily" back down in the hole she belongs and hopefully keep her in her place. She's only allowed out on occasion, the past two weeks she's been partying like a college girl during Sorority Rush Week. 

Now let's get to things of the week.

1. I'll share links as soon as I have them, but I got to record a podcast with The Podcast Project and had an absolute blast. Today the main episode airs and come Sunday the "Sunday Confessions" episode comes out. This was all recorded mid-"chunky Emily" so you can consider yourself warned.

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Grilled Asparagus & Green Onions

May 10, 2017

This is going to be a really short post, but I promise you this recipe is divine.

Whether you follow Paleo, Primal, Low Carb, Keto, or Whole30, this will fit the bill. It works, it's yummy, it's a favorite of mine, and it's insanely easy.

Grilled Asparagus & Green Onions

1 bunch of asparagus
1 bunch of green onions
garlic powder
olive oil (I sometimes use bacon fat or ghee depending on what's on hand)

Clean and cut aspragus, toss in a bowl with green onions. Season with enough oil or fat to coat and then season to taste with garlic powder, salt, and pepper. Grill for 5-10 minutes at a medium heat until it's as tender as you prefer and enjoy. 

When I make this I quite literally wait until I've already flipped the chicken I'm grilling and then place the asparagus on the grill. I've made this a few times where I blanched the asparagus first, but it really isn't needed. Just cook it until it's done at a medium heat. 

In case you're wondering, yes I grill everything myself (except steaks because Jeremy does it so well, and his Country Rib recipe) and I also use a gas grill. I just find it to be so much better suited for someone who grilled several times a week. I'm not spending time with charcoal unless we are camping. 
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Meal Pinning Monday

May 7, 2017

This week is teacher appreciation week at our school, or as I like to call it "sugar central." If you really loved me you'd give me a pack of diet shakes and tell me to take it easy on the cake in the lounge. Instead I'm going to be taken over by some sugar demon and require an exorcism come Friday after noon. Someone might even mistake me for a crackhead and try to have me committed after all the junk food that comes though the place... 

In case you have never met me in person, I am a much more well rounded individual without sugar in my system. One hit and I start freebasing the stuff and quickly look like this: 

It's a real problem people. 

[What is Meal Pinning Monday?]
MPM is how I meal plan for our little family. I once spent a lot of time searching the web and my recipe books hunting for new recipes and ideas for what to cook every week. Then, Pinterest came along and made meal planning much easier for me. Every weekend I look over what I have pinned the prior week and decide what I would like to cook and make my grocery list from these recipes. MPM came about as a way to share what I am cooking, and to also see what others are cooking every week to hopefully get even more dinner ideas from other bloggers. If you don't pin your recipes feel free to just share what you are cooking.
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Five On Friday

May 5, 2017

Another week, another 5 things. 

1.  I've said it before that I have a YouTube workout obsession, cheaper than a gym. Well this week a college friend of mine who is in great shape posted about fitness and I had to be nosey and ask what all she was doing. She mentioned this workout, which I've had saved in my workout videos on YouTube since Jessie James Decker released it. Like literally that day,  I just love her! 

I hadn't done the workout and decided getting over the cold was a good time to try it out for the first time, it didn't disappoint. I was pouring sweat from everywhere in zero time at all. Perfect mama workout. Especially since she says to do it 1-3 (or more if your crazy) times and each circuit is 10 minutes long. 
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Adrenal & Cold Buster Smoothie

May 3, 2017

After having Harrison I was constantly exhausted and most of time I felt like my brain was in a constant fog. I kept getting brought back to the idea of healing your adrenals and changed my diet to get back to eating whole foods and incorporate things that would help my system return to normal. 

Adrenal Smoothies kept popping up in my search to get back to pre postpartum life. Not even the weight side of things, just feeling right. 

I didn't feel right, sad, tired, zero energy. Something had to give, and luckily food can be an answer. I'm a firm believer that nutrition can heal. 

This has even become my go-to for when I feel sick. It has everything I need to start feeling better, and it tastes better than just taking Vitamin C pills. 
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Easy Gift Ideas for Mother's Day

May 2, 2017

I know some mama's are all about the gifts, thoughtfully picked out. There's a nice little easy going crowd of us who aren't though. Here are five ideas for things to do for your low key mama in your life with Mother's Day coming up.

Easy Mother's Day Ideas

1. Book her a massage or facial, or better yet, let her book the kind she wants where she wants it. Or just give her one yourself. 

2. Make her favorite breakfast or lunch after church

3. Disappear with the children so she has alone time at home.  Or let her wander off to do something without everyone under foot

4. Gift cards or cash. Who doesn't like being handed money to play with that has no strings attached... as in this should have been spent on gas or groceries.

5. Be sneaky and buy something from her Amazon wish list

Side Note:: The only reason I can think of these things is because at one time or another the hubby has done them. I remind him often that he's lucky that I'm an easy to please person lol! 

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