Another week, another 5 things.
1. I've said it before that I have a YouTube workout obsession, cheaper than a gym. Well this week a college friend of mine who is in great shape posted about fitness and I had to be nosey and ask what all she was doing. She mentioned this workout, which I've had saved in my workout videos on YouTube since Jessie James Decker released it. Like literally that day, I just love her!
I hadn't done the workout and decided getting over the cold was a good time to try it out for the first time, it didn't disappoint. I was pouring sweat from everywhere in zero time at all. Perfect mama workout. Especially since she says to do it 1-3 (or more if your crazy) times and each circuit is 10 minutes long.
Since I was making this image for myself to put on my own phone to be able to do the workout on the go I thought I'd also share it with my lovely blog friends.
2. This whole post is going to be cold themed.If you didn't see yesterday's smoothie recipe go and check it out now, it was so good. *And yes I realize I'm not that styled food blogger all day every day. It's because this was what I was actually making for the purpose of drinking on the way to work. This blogger doesn't waste food.*
3. I know last week I mentioned quitting allergy meds, well it kicked me in the face because I got a cold right after those words left my mouth. I managed to avoid all meds except one dose of Mucinex because I couldn't even hear. Well, Wednesday night I remembered I had some homeopathic stuff I was giving Harrison. Other than the Elderberry Syrup I've been taking, and thought I'd try it out.
I wish I was kidding when I say it worked better than any allergy med I've taken in ages at clearing my sinuses and letting me get restful sleep. So if you see any Andi Lynn's Elderberries brand anywhere be sure to buy it up, or just order online. I really loved her Elderberry syrup, but this Cough and Calm Syrup is magical.
4. It's been state testing week and let me just say getting my Fitbit steps has been a breeze. I've nearly had them by noon daily. My feet also hurt.
5. Last but not least, we landed tickets to see Paul McCartney in Shreveport this summer!!! I've been a Beatles fan since I was a small child, I can't even begin to tell you how many times I watched that 6 hour anthology special that came on in the 90's. Since Jeremy admitted to knowing my secret I might as well share... Harrison is kind of sort of named after my beloved Beatles that I share a birthday with. I only know he knows because after suggesting Eleanor as a girls name he said all of our children wouldn't be named after Beatles.
Y'all the landing of this was miraculous. We tried to get them during the fan club presale. I'm not in the fan club. I did however managed to find the access code to buy the tickets. All the praise hands people. All the praise hands. Especially for this fan that tried to get tickets a few years ago and they were $200 a piece.