Oh gosh, today's topic is yet again something I don't talk about. Especially not on the blog.
In my life I have a hard to forgive person, we all do.
The how it's shaped you part is what has changed over the years.
I'm not even going to touch on who or what because I don't want anyone reading this and figuring out who they think it is.
I'll just say this...
I use to harbor a massive grudge about it.
I'd dread this person, panic attack like freak outs when I had to deal with the situation of any length of time.
For years it was a nightmare, and my own attitude about it was less than great.
I felt justified in my anger. No one should have to deal with that nonsense, right?
Looking back I think what caused me the most problems was my expectations. My expectations weren't met. They honestly weren't even high expectations, but they weren't met.
They haven't been met, and they will probably never be met.
So you could say the situation hasn't changed, just my outlook on it has. A lot of my attitude changing was based upon the fact that I finally felt supported.
Someone else say my misery and agreed that it was wrong. I finally had a partner in crime, so to speak, to get what upset me and understand my perficiment.
Best of all I was freed in the situation.
You see, for a long time I had to stay quiet. I had to just bottle the issue and move along, no matter how mad it made me. If you know me in real life then you'd know that's not how I roll. I have to say how I feel.
I'm from a family of saying how you feel about things.
When I could finally defend myself, it was okay to say something, I didn't have to feel bottled up... the need to actually act on the need to defend myself or call out injustice faded away.
So don't think my hard to forgive person has changed, or the situation has changed... it hasn't.
The only change was me, and something about the simple idea that I could defend myself resolved my anger and caused me to not even need to defend myself.