So, There's This Thing...

April 4, 2018

This is going to make my lack of blogging make a lot more sense... but we're pregnant!

Not gonna lie, I've been planning the photo I wanted to take... but due to sheer exhaustion and flat out sickness I haven't found it in me to get it done. So instead I made a graphic... second child problems right?

Currently 9 weeks and a few days, feeling like I've been run over by a truck, and indigestion out the wazoo. So until further notice there won't be a Meal Planning Monday post.

Y'all probably don't care about my iceberg salad with ranch dressing and lemon pepper. Or the pickles, because vinegar makes everything better.

I haven't worked out in two weeks, hello exhaustion. I probably won't see the gym again until the second trimester is this runs anything like my exhaustion with Harrison.

I also haven't cooked in two weeks. Food is just gross, luckily not as gross as last time, but I have no desire to cook anything or smell anything. It's gone so far as having to open windows when Harrison eats chicken nuggets.

Pregnancy just isn't my friend.

Something else about this pregnancy that I'm doing differently... we aren't finding out the sex of the baby.

Yes, I know there is no way you could do that. There's basically no way I could do that either. It's not my personality.

However, being so hard nosed about wanting everything a certain way with Harrison meant I enjoyed it less. So in an attempt to enjoy things more I'm letting go of it.

We have everything we need, all gender neutral. The only thing I'm adding in is a Moby wrap and a Milk Snob cover. If it's a girl we will just have to buy girl clothing.

Doesn't get much easier than that.

So yes, my practical self would like another boy because I have 3 years worth of clothing saved in tubs. But if not, we will deal with that when we come home from the hospital.

Also different this time... blog different. I'll be posting on the even weeks. I might start this week at 10 weeks, but I might wait and start at 12, it all depends on how I'm feeling come Friday.

Either way, there's going to be another baby around here come November... but if I have to guess I'd say the end of October.

One day I'll find the energy to take photos and be my normal self... today just isn't the day.