TresOmega Sweet Recipes Round-Up

May 14, 2018

First off, don't forget about the great deals form TresOmega during Celiac Awareness Month. 


Four 5lb bags of pasta for $89.98 + free shipping (that's $24.50 per bag)

One case of pasta (12 boxes) for $39.48 + free shipping
(choose elbow, spaghetti, penne, fusili, or choose to mix and match)

Click >>> here <<< for the TresOmega Nutrition promotions! 

Find TresOmega on social media:


Now for the dessert round-up. 

I searched the internet looking for other bloggers who also participated in the recipe challenge back in the fall and here's what stuck out to me:

And because I can't leave out my own TresOmega dessert recipe...