32 Week Pregnancy Update
Size: Baby B is about 17 inches long, nearly 4 lbs, and the size of a squash.
Due Date: November 2 (measured for Nov 6 at the ultrasound, but they aren't changing it).
Heartbeat: It ranges from 122 - 166 depending on the day.
Symptoms: Indigestion, leg cramps, shooting pain near my pelvis (I think it's ligaments). I'm moody as heck. I basically have zero time or patience for anyone who is in my way of whatever I'm trying to do. Essentially... leave me alone and don't ask questions.
Cravings and Favorite Foods: Fruit and raw veggies. I bought peaches this week that were amazing.
Sleep: This baby thinks it's out of the womb and needs to wake up all night. If I roll over or get up for any reason it gets to kicking for a minimum of 30 minutes before I can go back to sleep.
Food Aversions: Eggs aren't that appealing.
Exercise: I absolutely do not have the energy for it at this point.
Reading/Baby Related Classes and Prep:
Mama Natural Week by Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth
Ina May Gaskin's Guide to Childbirth
Mom's On Call 0-6 Month
Weight: At the last appointment I had only gained 20 lbs! That's a personal best considering I was massive last time. I also haven't had any sweeling or high blood pressure, which is really nice after the stress of Harrison's pregnancy.
Movement: Constant and painful. The baby books say movement should be slowing down due to lack of space but the baby hasn't gotten the memo.
Maternity Clothing: Yes. Some of it is even starting to not fit.
Gender Guess: Learning towards girl this week.
Side by Side: Still thinking my face is more swollen with Harrison. My belly is about the same this time, only difference is that it might be a touch lower right now.