Linking up with in residence today for another Currently >>>
Scheming | A little bit of everything. I'm still thinking about what we want to do in Austin. There is also the upcoming summer camping trip to the Buffalo River... I've got to book that and decide on a campsite. There's also the fact that Jeremy will be gone to Brazil on a mission trip in the beginning of July, so I'll probably take the kids to my parents and visit friends and what not for a few days. But let's be really real, I'm mainly just planning how to use a Starbucks gift card a student gave me. Follow Macro Barista on IG, it's where your coffee macro dreams come true.
Reading | I haven't been so great at reading lately. I've got a huge queue in my library account though. Right now I'm finishing up The Inspector and Mrs. Jeffries book 1, and I'm waiting to finish Ninety-Nine Glimpses of Princess Margaret when I get it back from the holds. If you were to know anything about me it is that I love a good British murder mystery that is narrated in a British accent when I'm falling asleep at night. I also just checked out Magnolia Table, I'm by no means a Fixer Upper fan but I am up for a good recipe.
Buying | In in the market for a new protein powder. I ditched my beloved Paleo Double Chocolate Protein because of the $$$ and opted for Garden of Life Spot Chocolate. The only issue is the digestive effect. It's bad y'all. I want a good chocolate with green type of protein and might try Vega Protein & Greens this month. Send suggestions please!
Making | I haven't cooked in my traditional Meal Planning Monday fashion in some time but Mardi Gras break is where it is at. Meatballs, enchiladas, pancakes, and I'll probably toss in a dessert or cinnamon rolls or something just for good measure. I haven't had the extra time to cook in months. And I don't mean old George grilling. Now I feel like I should also make some bread too.
Accomplishing | I've changed my workouts to doing Pure Barre On Demand recently and am really loving it. I seriously was beyond excited to workout every time I went this past summer (that month I had won a free month of Pure Barre). There are just two issues with going in-studio for me 1) the $$$ and 2) the time. So On Demand is giving me a workout I enjoy (classes) in a time frame I can do (classes from 5-45 minutes each). This way I can do at the very least SOMETHING every night. I'm still following the Faster Way to Fat Loss eating plan but just needed a new workout.