Meal Planning Monday

April 29, 2019

Anyone else hit a funk at the end of the school year? Suddenly I don't know what I want to eat, cook, think about, nada. Nothing! I need more time in the evening (I'm looking at you 6 month old) and some inspiration. Oh... and my old kitchen back. I get zero joy cooking in this squished up apartment. Monday | Quesadillas with goat cheese, chicken, gala apple, spinach, and avocado with berries Tuesday...
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Chocolate Peanut Butter Macro Protein Bar

April 24, 2019

Macro bars that are essentially meal replacements are all the rage this year. The only issue... the cost. I can not for the life of me stomach paying 2 bucks per bar.  I needed something easy and on the go though. I just can't stand dragging a protein shake to church or on the go. Plus, my shake isn't quite as amazing once it's sat in my fridge at work all morning long.  I recently...
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Meal Planning [Tuesday] & Our Easter Menu

April 23, 2019

I'm back after our little Easter camping getaway to Austin! Here's what's on the menu for the next few days... Monday | Poppy Seed Chicken, Roasted Broccoli, Rice Tuesday | leftovers Wednesday | Breakfast Burritos (low carb tortilla, breakfast sausage, eggs, cheese) Thursday | The Grillades I thought I had already used the meat for and found in the deep freezer. Go figure. Friday...
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How a Hair Tie Saved My Sanity

April 17, 2019

I generally can’t remember anything.  Especially something in the mundane task department.  So you can probably imagine that motherhood is going great for me.  Where did I put that? What time? Oh crap we forgot an appointment? How many ounces do you give a 4 month old baby? What’s for dinner? Where are his shoes? How much sleep did I actually get?  Nothing, I maintain nothing.  I...
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Things I Bought & Liked | March

April 10, 2019

Here's another month of what I've been up to per Amazon. There are a few items that haven't been used yet... impending camping trip. But let's get into it anyway >>> Revlon Teasing Brush | I've been needing an update and this looks like what my hairstylist uses... so I ordered one. I'm liking it for a less harsh tease. For a full on tease you'll need the old fashion comb for sure. Molina...
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Meal Planning Monday

April 9, 2019

Honestly, I thought I wrote this post already. Blame Wonder Week 5 - I've been "mom sleeping" lately. Monday | Ground Beef Stir Fry Skillet Tuesday | Grilled Chicken and Roasted Cauliflower Wednesday | Mississippi Roast & Carrots, Rice, Roasted Broccoli Thursday | leftovers Friday | Breakfast - Biscuits & Sausage Gravy, Eggs, Hash-browns Saturday | Eating...
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Elliot | Month 5

April 5, 2019

This month's theme... rolls. We've got more rolls than a sushi restaurant. Month 5 has brought hair growth, a resolution to the cradle cap, and lots of giggles. Elliot's Current Stats: ❊ Age – 5 months old ❊ Weight & Height – I'll weigh him this weekend.  ❊ Eat – Nurses well but is easily distracted these days. What's on TV? Is that Harrison?...
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Currently April

April 3, 2019

Today I'm linking up with Ann over at In Residence for her monthly Currently series! Experiencing || Right now we are clearly in the parental experience of what on earth does one do about PreK. I honestly always saw these parents crying over entering Kindergarten, but instead me (and many a friend folk) seem to be lamenting the struggle to place your kiddo into PreK. The main issue being that...
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Meal Planning Monday

April 1, 2019

This week is a hard core clean out the pantry plan. Rouses just opened in town (it's a South LA grocery chain) and they mailed out $10 coupons for $50 or more spent... so we are shopping there. To keep it cheap I am planning the meat/veg/side game and not planning elaborate meals. Less ingredients = cheaper meals. With that said, I shopped the pantry this morning and noticed 2 packs of low carb...
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