Happiest Baby on the Block is really testing that title this month. Wonder Weeks Leap (what feels like 100) came in strong!
Elliot's Current Stats:
❊ Age – 10 months
Elliot's Current Stats:
❊ Weight & Height – Wearing size 4 diapers and 12-18 months clothing.
❊ Eat – He will eat absolutely anything, but he won't feed himself. He's not about that life and has no time. Baby Led Weaning did not work for me (to the tune of Hooked On Phonics). I also think he is going to wean himself by the time he's a year old. He's too busy to nurse and would rather eat real food. We might nurse at night for a long time but day time nursing, no baby has time for that.
❊ Sleep – To sleep per chance to dream? Shakespeare wrote that while one of his children were teething because we ain't sleeping folks. 5 teeth all at once. If karma were real I'd tell you we did something real wrong. Last night he finally only woke up once, probably because after a solid month of no sleep he was tired. Now, he wakes to nurse every single night and I don't see that vanishing anytime soon.
❊ Recent Milestones – He waves bye, grunts and has a cow if you don't share with him, pulls up, and can push up to sitting. And let us not forget getting 4 teeth on the top at once.
❊ Special Moments – He only woke up once last night. That's as special as this eshausted mama is getting right now.
❊ Mama’s Experience – Month 9 was for the birds. He hit a new Wonder Week Leap and got all the teeth. Little Crank Pop was fussy and didn't sleep. Sorry this isn't all warm and fuzzy folks, it's mainly so I can remember this years from now.
❊ Mama’s Experience – Month 9 was for the birds. He hit a new Wonder Week Leap and got all the teeth. Little Crank Pop was fussy and didn't sleep. Sorry this isn't all warm and fuzzy folks, it's mainly so I can remember this years from now.
❊ Comparison – These babies look nothing alike. Harrison seemed to be blowing kissing, pulling up, and mimicking up more. Elliot is just starting to pull up and giggles when you do stuff but isn't trying to mimics just yet. They're wearing the same size in diapers and clothing but Elliot definitely weighs more.