I've been on the search for the perfect one for year. Many haven't worked at all (hello living in the deep south!) and others work a little.
Being from a family with cancer spread all around, I've tried to be more aware of what I come in contact with. Be it cleaning products, food, or beauty items. Slowly but surely I've been making the switch as I find products I love that are at an affordable price point.
With parabens being a known hormone disruptor and aluminum deodorant not only preventing toxins from being expelled from the body but being a contributing factor in breast cancer... they became two items I've looked to reduce and eventually eliminate my use of.
My theory on health and genetic predispositions... I might as well not intentionally cause anything. So whatever I can eliminate, why not do it.
Wild Root, being a natural deodorant company, doesn't contain harmful parabens or aluminum. Not only that they tout only using simply ingredients you can read... and it's true. If you take a look at the back label there isn't anything odd.
Now for the important questions...
How long have I been using Wild Root deodorant?
2 months. I got my first sample in a Simply Earth box in November and continued to use it until my two full size deodorants came in at the beginning of December.
Does it really work?
It does. I promise. I sweat a ton, it's always gotten on my nerves, so you can trust me. Now, does it stop sweat like a over the counter aluminum containing deodorant? No. But it does stop smells. I've used both their sensitive line as well as performance and both work great at blocking smells. TMI, but during my period I find I need the performance line more. When my hormones are all out of wack it helps to bump it up a notch.
What makes Wild Root different from competitors?
I won't list the ingredient here, but you can check it out on the back of their package for yourself. This is 100% Emily's opinion, but Wild Root lists a specific ingredient as odor fighting... and it does just that. I've tried many, many brand of natural deodorant and read the back label of all 5 that are currently hanging out in my cabinet and not one other brand contained the order fighting ingredient that Wild Root contains.
It makes a big difference.
Should I get the Sensitive or Performance line?
That depends. Do you have a baking soda sensitivity? If so, go with sensitive. Otherwise the performance is great. The best part about these is that while Sensitive is lacking the baking soda it is the same texture. Both are that powder-stick type of texture. Not gel deodorant at all. Where baking soda is absent, arrowroot powder is in its place. Same deodorant texture I prefer without feeling like something is missing from the lack of baking soda.
In case you're curious about he scents, here's the break down.
Performance Line:
Wildflower (Lavender and Ylang Ylang)
Tall Pine (Cedarwood and Pine)
Citrus Leaf (Lime and Sage)
Sensitive Line (no baking soda):
Wildflower (Lavender and Ylang Ylang)
Meadow (Lemongrass and Mandarin)
What's it like switching to natural deodorant?
Well, when you first get started there's a touch of a detox period. Your pores have been clogged with aluminum containing doedorant for years and it takes a bit for all of that to get out. At first your new deodorant might not keep up well due to the excess bacteria from detoxing. I've even personally gotten small bumps and irritation during a switch, one way I combat this is by exfoliating my armpits every other day for about two weeks until I've gotten past the detox period.
Real talk: I was using natural deodorant until I got pregnant with Elliot and couldn't take that it wasn't keeping up so I swapped back to regular... detoxing postpartum was a pain in the butt. I should have stuck with natural deodorant and avoided that.
During the transition you may sweat more, stink half way through the day, and like I said above have some irritation or sore lymph-nodes. Just power though it and carry along your stick of deodorant to reapply midway through the day. It'll pass. I promise.
Now for the fun stuff...
Anyone who submits their email address will get 30% off their order during launch week - January 13th - 17th!
And there's a giveaway! You could win free deodorant for a year from Wild Root! What a better way to kick off a healthier new year than with free natural deodorant.
The giveaway will run from Jan 6 - Jan 17.
I'm dropping the widget below, but if you are having trouble with it feel free to use [this link].