Harrison's First Day of Kindergarten

August 24, 2020

Harrison officially went to kindergarten this past week. 

Here's a secret for you, I always take first day photos in church clothing before the actual first day. I just can't 1) carve out time that morning and 2) the attitudes are ripe at 7am and I want a good photo. 

His first day went great, aside from falling off and dangling from a play structure by one arm. This kid. His attitude both days was honestly way sunnier than I anticipated. 

I was also snapping pics of Harry with his front yard sign and Elliot kept posing like this. Cute little blue-eyed cheeseball. 

Then it all went south, because at the same time Jeremy was doing yard work and told Harrison he could play with the blower. 

So they all went. 

And Elliot was accosted with the blower and not happy about it. 

He came back just to rat out Harrison. 

Harrison was unfazed. Then it took me 15 minutes just to get him to put it back in the garage and come inside.