This month's blend is a restock of a favorite. Everyone seems to love Defender, no matter the name, every brand carries it.
It's perfect for this back-to-school sickness time of year.
Here's a bit more about each oil that is included in the September box:
Defender || blend || supports immune system, cleans (kid safe 10+)
Bay || single || centers, supports respirations (kid safe 10+)
Eucalyptus || single || Boosts immunity, supports respiration (kid safe 10+, pregnancy safe)
Cedarwood (Himalayan) || single || calms, supports respiration (kid safe 2+, dog, cat, pregnancy safe)
A few things before I wrap this up -
Every month Simply Earth donates 13% of their profits to end human trafficking. With an estimated 4 million victims globally, human trafficking is among one of the worst atrocities. No one deserves to be exploited, which is why Simply Earth donates to organization on the front lines. This month Simply Earth is donating to Rescue Freedom. They are focused on preventing and end human trafficking through community awareness, anti-trafficking policies, law enforcement, culture change, rescue, aftercare, and more!
As always head over to Simply Earth to order your SEPTEBMER box and use the code LABRIDEFREE to get a $40 gift card/credit towards your next order when you get your Bonus Box!
Also -- here are a few things you can do with your box every month!
1. Add items to your box to get free shipping.
2. Exchange oils.
3. Gift a month to a friend.
4. Get 50% off your next box by sharing your unique voucher code with friends, they'll also get $10 off their first 5 months - you'll get 50% off for every friend that subscribes!