In the height of football season (as a fan or player) the recipes included in this box are spot on.
As a teacher who's been wandering all over creation for pep rallies and traipsing up and down the classroom teaching, all of these "relief" themed recipes are right in line with what I've been needing.
This month's oils include: Bergamot | single oil. calms, soothes, and skincare. (kid safe 2+, pregnancy, & dog safe)
Cajeput | single oil. soothes, supports respiration. (kid safe 10+, dog, & cat safe)
Copaiba | single oil. soothes, supports immunity. (kid safe 2+, pregnancy, dog, and cat safe)
Relief | oil blend. soothes. (kid safe 10+, pregnancy safe)
If you haven't been around long, you might not know what got me started on using essential oils.
As someone with awful allergies, cleaning products and candles are quick to give me a headache or stuffy nose. I immediately start sneezing when I go into someone's home who burns a lot of candles.
To combat this in my own home I started cleaning with essential oils (before natural products had gotten popular (hello 2011). Later on when diffusers became a thing, I started diffusing oils to make the house smell lovely without the allergy issues sprays and candles caused me.
At times I still need to be careful what oils I use. For instance, my mother is bothered by products with pine/tree oils. Pinesol is her worst nightmare. Turns out I can't use anything in the pine/fir tree realm of oils when she is around because it irritates those same allergies.
The new recipe card design is still just so pretty to look at.
Speaking of recipes.
This month you will have the ingredients to make a cold or hot compress, relief lotion, foot soak, soother roll-on, massage oil bar, and diffuser blend.
The extras included are a
reusable compress pad, lotion base, and massage bar soap mold.
I love the molds that Simply Earth sends, they're reusable and all made of silicone. So they're very easy to unmold.
The lotion base though, this is another great item. I keep a jar of it mixed with lavender by my bed.

A few things before I wrap this up -
Every month Simply Earth donates 13% of their profits to end human trafficking. With an estimated 4 million victims globally, human trafficking is among one of the worst atrocities. No one deserves to be exploited, which is why Simply Earth donates to organization on the front lines. This month Simply Earth is donating to Rescue Freedom. They are focused on preventing and end human trafficking through community awareness, anti-trafficking policies, law enforcement, culture change, rescue, aftercare, and more!
As always head over to Simply Earth to order your SEPTEBMER box and use the code LABRIDEFREE to get a $40 gift card/credit towards your next order when you get your Bonus Box!
Also -- here are a few things you can do with your box every month!
1. Add items to your box to get free shipping.
2. Exchange oils.
3. Gift a month to a friend.
4. Get 50% off your next box by sharing your unique voucher code with friends, they'll also get $10 off their first 5 months - you'll get 50% off for every friend that subscribes!