Super Harry and the Lettuce Patch

May 8, 2024

Eventually I'll take a break from weekly recaps and dive into old style blogging. I've got a post I've been sitting on for a year an a half. 

I literally wrote it over the course of a few weeks and then deleted my blog domain for an entire year. I briefly mentioned in an Instagram story what was going on, but IRL friends heard at the time. The last couple years has just been a roller coaster.  

This past weekend we went to a friends house for the Kentucky Derby. As you'll see from the photo, this is why I don't wear hats. I've got a big ole noggin' and there is no need bringing attention to just how large it it. 

I'm still a touch traumatized when I think of the year a student gave me a beach themed gift and my giant skull wouldn't fit in the beach hat. 😂

We haven't taken the kids bowling since Elliot has been of bowling age, so Friday night we went. I told them this big elaborate story about how terrible Jeremy is at bowling and had them convinced I could beat him, so they weren't too happy to find out my wrist isn't healed enough to bowl.  He whipped their butts and they were shocked. I'm really surprised they continue to believe my stories. 

I pulled something on the ulnar side of my wrist in December and it's finally on the mend, but not mended enough to lift weights yet or risk killing myself bowling. 

I've been absolutely shocked at how well the lettuce patch is doing. I threw some seed out in January thinking that it would do nothing, the little seedlings took ages to sprout. One variety finally popped up and we are cutting leaf lettuce for salad with dinner every Thursday night. 

Plant the lettuce people. 

I'm tempted to do a blog post on my tiny garden. This has been my solution to not having raised beds up. I think I've said it before, but Jeremy doesn't want to bother with installing beds or a chicken coop until the wood fence is in. Which I totally understand, no one wants to work around it. 

My biggest issue with a raised bed is going to be rats, City Park is a rat haven (near sanctuary level) and they ate every single bud that popped up on my pumpkins this past year. I plan to try again and plant them in a different area, but still. I doubt they will work. 

Dill and Harry watching squirrels. We've got quite the family of tubby little squirrels in our yard and they live it up in that big old Oak tree. 

Dill is so funny about how he has to be where we are. I had dachshunds previously and Ellie was more like a cat. She came around when she wanted to. This cockapoo though, he is always laying down where we are. Jeremy prays before the kids go to school every morning, as soon as he starts here comes the dog to sit in the middle of us. 

At bath time Dill lays in front of the bathroom door, as if he is guarding his children. If he was a girl I would have long since changed his name to Nana (Peter Pan). Sometimes I call him Nana anyway, but only when he's guarding the children. Come to think of it, when Elliot was hiding from us the other day I should have know he wasn't outside, the dog was inside. Dill typically follows whoever goes out the door. 

Weekend before last Jeremy put on a one day conference/retreat for the teenagers since the Winter Retreat was last minute cancelled by the venue. 

From what I hear (I don't take the kids to youth events often) the speakers were great. We snuck in after bath time to hear the band before everyone was done and wanted to go to bed. Jeremy brought in Zeal House Music, our youth group in Alabama had heard them at Fuge Camp one year and were impressed. They did a fantastic job, and Elliot loved it. 

These events don't get Harry excited, it's all the over stimulation. Elliot on the other hand had a great time dancing around and singing with his Daddy. We stayed in the back to make an easy exit for the moment everyone had seen enough. About half way through their set Elliot declared it was bedtime, and we snuck out. 

My little artistic child has been drawing Super Harry and making Super Harry books lately, so one Sunday when I was cleaning out kids clothes he saw we had some white t-shirts leftover from school project and put me to work. He designed it and picked the colors, but I did the painting. 

Elliot also wanted one, insisted he has glitter, and is now not happy that his shirt has "sprinkles." 

Personally I don't see the need to correct him, I'm going to be so sad when all of his Elliot-isms disappear and he not longer speaks like such a little boy. 

I did the math the other day and realized just how fast the school years are going to go, especially with Harrison. If we could pause the little kid stage of life I would have. We could loop Elliot's first 5 years of life for the next 40 years and be happy to do it. Or maybe just the summers when I'm home. 

We've had our fair share of grief in these 5 years, but the little boy stage has been so fun.