Meals This Week

September 19, 2024

I planned to get this out yesterday, but alas, that did not happen. 

This is a pretty easy meal prep week, no big events to force us to eat out around. It has been demanded that I purchased more frozen brussel sprouts, Elliot developed a taste for them by accident and has to have more. He's notorious for stealing a cut up veggie of the cutting board and making it his new favorite. The boy has always loved a cucumber. He's stolen raw zucchini. And now he has got to have microwaved brussel sprouts covered in salt. 


Thursday | Grilled Porkchops, Chopped Salad Kit, and Baked Potatoes

Friday | Eating Out!

Saturday | Gigi Hadid Pasta with Grilled Chicken 

Sunday | Lunch with Friends & Boiled Shrimp for dinner. 

Monday |  Air Fried Salmon Bowls (but with chicken) 

Tuesday | Leftovers 

Wednesday | Sam's Club Chickfila Knock Off Nuggets and Fries.

Lunch for the Week | Cincinnati Chili,  Jewish Olive Dip & Almond Flour Crackers for a snack, Pineapple Whip (for something sweet) 

That about wraps us up! Share in the comments what you are cooking this week.  
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Oh Francine & a tiny life update

September 13, 2024

 I took July off from blogging, which then turned into accidently taking off in August. 

August is busy. A mix of good and bad busy, but busy. Jeremy and I got a chance to get away for a night for his birthday and he aged himself into a new decade. The boys started 3rd and Kindergarten. I started my 16th year teaching. 

September was threatening to thunder by with constant storms after that drought we called August (my mums did not survive this time). Then Francine started threatening the coast. Initially targeted right over us and (yay for us not for eastern south LA) it diverted towards Terrebonne parish. 

School was out for 3 days, and we lived it up. I love a good locked in situation. The wind and rain wasn't as bad as predicted. We grabbed ice cream at a local shop while they were having a hurricane sale in anticipation of the power outages, and then I finished sewing Harry's quilt. 

The kids immediately began their labor demands and have had me burning the midnight oil to finish Elliot's quilt at a speed I don't like to work at. A hobby for me is a pick up here and there, water it here and there, not have two small people standing over you demanding a timeline. 

For the record I started writing this incredibly show blog post on Friday, didn't finish until later. I also have tried to will my children into a pretty little quilt, boyish, but colors their mother wouldn't mind looking at, quilt number 3 is in fact a Pokémon theme. 

I lost. 

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