Meals This Week

September 19, 2024

I planned to get this out yesterday, but alas, that did not happen. 

This is a pretty easy meal prep week, no big events to force us to eat out around. It has been demanded that I purchased more frozen brussel sprouts, Elliot developed a taste for them by accident and has to have more. He's notorious for stealing a cut up veggie of the cutting board and making it his new favorite. The boy has always loved a cucumber. He's stolen raw zucchini. And now he has got to have microwaved brussel sprouts covered in salt. 


Thursday | Grilled Porkchops, Chopped Salad Kit, and Baked Potatoes

Friday | Eating Out!

Saturday | Gigi Hadid Pasta with Grilled Chicken 

Sunday | Lunch with Friends & Boiled Shrimp for dinner. 

Monday |  Air Fried Salmon Bowls (but with chicken) 

Tuesday | Leftovers 

Wednesday | Sam's Club Chickfila Knock Off Nuggets and Fries.

Lunch for the Week | Cincinnati Chili,  Jewish Olive Dip & Almond Flour Crackers for a snack, Pineapple Whip (for something sweet) 

That about wraps us up! Share in the comments what you are cooking this week.