Playing Catchup and a Meal Plan

February 27, 2025

This week I turned 39, and somehow that means Harry is turning 10. It blows my mind to think that when I turn 49 he will be turning 20. This next decade is going to be a roller coaster ride. 

I walked into my room Monday morning to find a few treats from students. I wish I was that mom who could keep up and remember this sort of thing for her children's teachers... but alas... I am not. 

Not many of you care for the kombucha sagas, but I'm sharing anyway. 

I accidently got lazy in January and didn't bottle and change ferments quick enough, I think the low temps made me believe I could delay. Wrong. My scoby (some say pellicle) was far too think and it quickly turned sour. I had to dump two weeks worth of ferment to get it back to a drinkable acidity. 

Finally this week I was able to bottle and frement my flavored F2!

While making my favorite Pioneer Woman meatballs this weekend, which are also Elliot's favorite, I realized just how long I've been making them. For 16 year (come May) I've used that Pyrex dish for this. 

Next month makes 17 years since I started dating Jeremy. 

He seems unphased by the numbers, but something about hitting the age of high school juniors and seniors is shocking. I mean, aren't we just some 20 year olds living on Duval Street in Monroe? Spening money that we don't need to spend at Eskamo's Ice Cream on Frozen Strawberry Lemonade. That's surely how it feels. 

I should have taken an action photo of Elliot during this course, when he got to those white pipes he scaled them no problem at all. They had to jump over with two feet and he didn't even hesitate. 

I'm slowly sounding like a spokesperson for this company, but it's been great for the boys. 

Now for the meal plan. It's giving - bowls. 

That was not at all on purpose. 


Thursday | Grilled Porkchops, Chopped Salad Kit, and Baked Potatoes

Friday | 5 Guys for Harry's Birthday

Monday |  Brunswick Stew from Daddio's Kitchen (This keeps getting delayed and moved around) 

Tuesday | letovers

Wednesday | Sam's Club Chickfila Knock Off Nuggets and Fries.

Lunch for the Week | Spring mix with grilled chicken tenderloins (easy lower fat protein) and balsamic dressing. Ratio Yogurt with Protein Kodiak Granola.